Wednesday, October 16, 2013

What To Do With Leftover Paint

My daughter came up to see me last week and we had a field day running to thrift stores and antique malls. I never realized I lived within minutes of the top 5 places in Ohio to do either one. That just made my day. Some of my daughters dabbled in a project here or there, but never seemed to take off with it like I have...I think the word is "addiction", so its probably just as well. But this day was different and I wanted to share with you what just a few hours and some leftover paint can do for a thrift store find of a chair and basket. We first found this chair and even though it needed some updating, it had good bones.

I let my daughter dig through some of my mismatched paint that was mixed with other mis matched paint and she began to paint away. It was so much fun doing something with her that I love so much! She decided on a blue and green paint that I had mixed together and had it and painted and distressed it within the hour.

We then took a basket which we also got that day and just dry brushed white paint randomly to match it up with the chair for a corner she wanted in her house.

The last thing she bought was a carpenter box at the antique mall. To some it may have just been a boring box, but to us it was a palette. 

She decided on white paint and we picked out hardware from my boxes of treasures and applied them.

Not only is shopping for treasures fun, but upcycling them and staging them are as well. Within no time she had a couple of new items to decorate her home with in just a short time.

  • Thrift Store Chair                  $   .99
  • Spray Paint (on hand  )          $   .00
  • Project Paint (on hand)          $   .00
  • basket (thriftstore)                $   .99
  • Carpenter Box                       $10.00



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