Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Queen Size Headboard Turned Into A Coat Rack

Yesterday while shopping at the thrift store with my daughter we came across this wonderful Queen headboard. I loved the color as well as the style. I knew that with railings gone that most people would just pass it by, but still I took no chances and snatched it up. I had no idea what I was going to do with it, but how could I pass it up for .09 cents.

When we got it home, I started digging through my covenanted boxes of old hardware and then I knew...Coat Rack.

I started out by taking off the legs first. Next I distressed it with a hand sander, then added hardware. Last step I took some antiquing paint and brushed it over the areas I had distressed.

Not too bad for a hour's work for the finished product. A new coat rack for about .25 cents.

  • Paint (onhand)                        $.00
  • Headboard from thrift store      $.09
  • Hardware (3 x $1.00 yard sale)  $3.00



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